Have It My Way Membership 2025
A customizable subscription. My enrollment entitles me to a share of the vegetables and fruit produced per week on the Post Apples Farm from the initial week through the first week in November. My share will consist of the items available each week I CHOOSE.
An email will be sent to you each week with what produce is available. You will be given points each week to spend how ever you see fit. Typically each vegetable is one point but there will be opportunity to use multiple points to “buy” a larger quantity of produce. Also you could skip a week and bank those points for future use. The variety of produce will include: greens, corn, cauliflower, peppers, onions, eggplants, broccoli, various roots & tubers, and more!
A customizable subscription. My enrollment entitles me to a share of the vegetables and fruit produced per week on the Post Apples Farm from the initial week through the first week in November. My share will consist of the items available each week I CHOOSE.
An email will be sent to you each week with what produce is available. You will be given points each week to spend how ever you see fit. Typically each vegetable is one point but there will be opportunity to use multiple points to “buy” a larger quantity of produce. Also you could skip a week and bank those points for future use. The variety of produce will include: greens, corn, cauliflower, peppers, onions, eggplants, broccoli, various roots & tubers, and more!
A customizable subscription. My enrollment entitles me to a share of the vegetables and fruit produced per week on the Post Apples Farm from the initial week through the first week in November. My share will consist of the items available each week I CHOOSE.
An email will be sent to you each week with what produce is available. You will be given points each week to spend how ever you see fit. Typically each vegetable is one point but there will be opportunity to use multiple points to “buy” a larger quantity of produce. Also you could skip a week and bank those points for future use. The variety of produce will include: greens, corn, cauliflower, peppers, onions, eggplants, broccoli, various roots & tubers, and more!
The number of points will be determined by what size share you buy.
1/8 shares get 7 points
14 share gets 10 points
1/2 share gets 20 points
Full share gets 40 points
The number of points may be smaller at the beginning of the season when there is a smaller amount of vegetables available. These points can be spent any way you would like. If you want more than one of a certain veggie and none of another then this is a good option for you. You can also save up your points for canning or freezing. Each vegetable will be worth so many points. For example 1 kohlrabi is worth 1 point and 6 ears of corn is worth 1 point. 1 point for zucchini might get you 4 zucchini, it all depends on how much is available.
Each week you will get a reusable cooler bag full of all your goodies. It will have your name on it. These bags will need to be returned each week, you can not keep them. If you get a 1/2 share or a full share you will get a box each week and these can also be returned. There will be a designated spot at each pick up location to return your cooler bag.
What does volunteer mean? Each share size has an option to volunteer. This means you can come to the farm and volunteer your time for a discounted rate. There is always something to do and we can use your help. Each share size has a different number of required hours. If you don’t complete your hours you will be billed for all unfinished hours.
1/8 share volunteer 5 hours
1/4 share volunteer 6 hours
1/2 share volunteer 12 hours
Full share volunteer 24 hours
The hours listed above is what needs to be completed during the entire season, approximately 21 weeks.
During the check out process you will be asked which pick up location you would like to pick up your produce at. Please pick which option is best for you. There is also a home delivery option, if you decide to pay for this then click that as your option.
There is an option to work for your entire membership. If you would like to know more please contact us and we will give you all the information.